The 4 Corners Region

2022-10-10  ————— in English
姜  10:32 1st stop

An interesting fashion show by Native American designers at Santa Fe 😀姜 

10-12  —————
21:23   2nd stop

Nine hot springs at Ojo Caliente an hour North from Santa Fe. Nice to soak in mineral rich waters and clean up, plus the Indian key-hole door image, rock formations as the walls of the 9 pools.

10-13  —————
3rd stop

Mesa Verde, CO: There is quite a climb to get to the Pueblos cliff dwellings. This one called Cliff Palace is quite large; it had about 200 people a big village living up there for about 700 some years. The view down there was and is fabulous. However, the Pueblos obviously had to carry woods and resources on their back climbing those stairs to survive…

姜  20:41    4th stop

The forces of nature at the Arches NP, Moab UT.

2022-10-18  —————
姜  20:41    the 5th stop

Canyonlands NP & Capitol Reefs NP: The artists, who are the rains and winds, have sculptured the mountains in these two NPs in a totally different style from what they do about the arches and fins in the Arches NP. The pioneers exploring the Capitol Reefs signed their names as early as 1911 if you enlarge the picture and look for their writing on the stone.

2022-10-19  —————
姜  16:46   the 6th stop

The Capitol Reefs NP Utah: Sandstones and limestones dominate. They’re best in their sizes: huge, tall, and wide. The camera does not do its Justice. The NPs hold and preserve 5 land areas where the stones reveal the experiences of our Earth. We can consider the five places as siblings since they are related by blood. Capitol Reefs is the number 2 son of the 5 siblings. If the oldest, the Grand Canyon, is 80 year old, the stones in the Capitol Reefs is 75 which is about 100 million years.

From late May to early October the locals at Capitol Reefs traditionally grow a variety of fruits. Visitors can pick the fruits in the orchard if they are ripe.

2022-10-20  —————
姜  10:38 the 7th stop

Bryce Canyon NP, Utah: Bryce has the youngest stones; in other words it’s the 5th son of the siblings at age of 60. If you enlarge the picture you can see the details of erosions done to make all the hoodoos out of the stones in the area.

2022-10-22  —————
姜  13:51    the 8th stop

The Zion NP, Utah: It is the 3rd son at 70 years old of the 5 rock siblings. Natural and man-made tunnels are passes into the park from the east gate. I have to say it is the wettest of all the NPs. The Virgin River runs through the entire park: clear, quiet and cold. We went to the head of the waterfall before the Narrows but we were not prepared to wade through the chilling water to the foot of the falls. The park is home for many animals like this Mule Deer. The cliffs are so steep and high that the mountain climbers challenge themselves to climb them; we saw quite a few little human dots hanging on them.

2022-10-23  —————
姜  10:04     the 9th stop

A little more about Zion NP: The Virgin River is a tributary to the Colorado river. Water seeks through the rocks everywhere, forms water holes and flows into Virgin River and then into the Colorado River in the middle image. Not far outside the Grand Canyon lies the Vermillion where dinosaurs roamed but no where to be found in the Grand Canyon. Tourists stop and write down their names or poetry inspired by its look and story.

2022-10-24  —————
姜  10:02     the 10th stop

The Grand Canyon NP, North Rim, AZ: In the previous NPs, we had to raise our heads high and stretch our necks long to get a glimpse of the summits of the mountains. In the Grand Canyon NP, we looked down; the canyons run deep about a mile into the Earth. The narrow ridge is only 3′ wide — John was holding onto his dear life looking down both sides of deep cliffs…

姜  13:12    the 11th stop

Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ: Today we turned away from mountains, canyons and rivers to the sky. By all these machines in the images, we were able to see with our own eyes the Jupiter, the Saturn and other galaxys. Lucky the sky is perfect for looking at them: not a cloud, extremely dark, and warm enough to stand in the line waiting for our turns at each telescope. The most popular is the Saturn of course.

BTW: The 1st image shows an experiment that was done at a lecture on the site. Visitors are invited to touch the liquid nitrogen (minus 320 degrees F.) — the stuff that a dermatologist uses to burn your skin growth…

姜  22:03    the 12th stop

The Petrified National Forest, AZ: Best to view this picture horizontally and enlarge it. The petrified tree logs everywhere in this area used to be living here 225 million years ago. The Earth’s crust lifted Colorado plateau, plus other natural elements like rocks and dirt, eroded the top layers and have exposed them on the surface. The park is located out of nowhere, it’s far away from highway but it’s totally worth the effort.

姜  10:00  the 13th stop

Painted Desert at the entrance of the Petrified National Forest, RZ: This is the 3rd section of land that the National Forest has acquired. Wonderful to include this spot where rocks display different colors.

姜  11:03     the 14th stop

Albuquerque, NM: It’s the city that pleasantly surprised us. Its hotels, parking, market, and entertainment provide a good comfort level for visitors. However, the city also built 17 miles trails along the river that only local residents have easy access to. The city government a long time ago decided to put aside 1% of the the tax dollars for arts in the city: so we can see a lot of them: murals and sculptures in the streets around the town. The private homes look very different– stucco, low, well- kept but you can also see high end houses built by architects living here.

2022-10-26  —————
姜  10:25   the 15th stop: returning home

The end



以往发出的邀请,没见报名的。2022年,只好还是我说了算。 (不好意思,听起来霸道,暂时却没别的选择。)2022年将沿续2021的做法:我做好一个网页后, 先放小组里,通过参与同学们的修改、过目;更改期一周过后,如果话题带头人,由于各种原因而不能转发到77级大群里时候,我就代劳了。


:有关网站其它事宜,请看去年2019年初我发的四个贴子,它们都发在 “关于我们 about us” 的网页上,链接在 “常见问答 FAQ” 菜单里。这四个帖子中提到的,2022年仍然适用。

请随意在下面 “comments” 里留言,点评指正,提倡建议,多多益善!


2020-03-14  —————

姜  08:37  昨晚新闻, 川普终于发话了: 美国开始防疫! 取消社交聚集,足不出户。 各公共场合设卡查体温,有温度的隔离。 在德州,违者罚款2000美元,外加六个月的狱刑。

Huang Shaorong  10:28 转发 (断接)

伟宁  11:49 转发  我赌五毛:自由干不过新冠的 文章 

Continue reading “美国终于开始防疫了”



2020年初我发出了邀请, 没见报名的。所以说,2021年,仍然只好还是我说了算。 (不好意思,听起来霸道,暂时却没别的选择。)2021年将沿续2020的更改:我做好一个网页后, 还是先放小组里,通过参与同学们的修改、过目;更改期一周过后,如果话题带头人,由于各种原因而不能转发到77级大群里时候,我就代劳了。

就像一位同学写的, 同学网是: “Good memories are always the ones to retell to recall the nice experience we have, just like unforgettable love stories we are keeping on and on from Pig year to Rat year without ending 。”





:有关网站其它事宜,请看去年2019年初我发的四个贴子,它们都发在 “关于我们 about us” 的网页上,链接在 “常见问答 FAQ” 菜单里。这四个帖子中提到的,2021年仍然适用。

请随意在下面 “comments” 里留言,批评指正,提倡建议,多多益善!

Holiday Season 2020 – 2021

The 2020 Chinese Spring Festival at Norm’s House 


Fun Dance to celebrate the Thanksgiving Day with HFC

On Thanksgivings Day with pickleball club buddies

Xmas 2020

2021 Chinese Spring Festival from Feb. 10 to 24

Spring and COVID-19

2020-02-10  —————

姜  08:27 进入隔离第2期,大家一定要耐心、坚持。 咱们来个隔离远程文字游戏。 借春节的喜气,先用我的名字来写对联。 你可以用各种语气: 幽默的,讽刺的, 诗意的, 抱怨的,撒气的,都欢迎,我保证不介意。 上下联必须要有我的名字:晓阳,横幅要有我的姓:姜。

Continue reading “Spring and COVID-19”

2020 同学网管理留言


2019年初,我发出了组委会建组的第二次邀请, 到如今没见报名的。所以说,2020年度,仍然只好还是我说了算。 (不好意思,听起来霸道,暂时却没别的选择。) 可喜的是,去年有三位同学私下说的话, 对同学网的建设,大有益处。

一位同学讲:“到了年底, 看看同学网里的分科网页群,收获感很大。”

另一位同学写到: “Good memories are always the ones to retell to recall the nice experience we have, just like unforgettable love stories we are keeping on and on from Pig year to Rat year without ending 。”

还有一位同学提议: “你做的网页,晓阳,就不需要同学们的通过了,直接发表到大群里就行了。”

前两句话给同学网的宗旨加以肯定,增添了同学个人感受的色彩,深受触动。 最后一个提倡可以考虑。 虽然它不符合互联网的规则 (互联互联,本应每个参于者都是作者,有直接的话语权和发表权)。遗憾的是,以同学网目前状况来看, 还不具备条件,有客观的,也有主观的。从这个意义上讲,他的提议有一定的说服力,比较有效率。因此,在2020年度,有点更改:我做好一个网页后, 还是先放小组里,通过参与同学的修改、过目;更改是一周过后,如果话题带头人,由于各种原因而不能转发到77级大群里时候,我就代劳了。




:有关网站其它事宜,请看去年2019年初我发的四个贴子,它们都发在 “关于我们 about us” 的网页上,链接在 “常见问答 FAQ” 菜单里。这四个帖子中提到的,2020年仍然适用。

请随意在下面 “comments” 里留言,批评指正,提倡建议,多多益善!

Amsterdam to Budapest


Below is a slideshow of my posts on WeChat’s Moments during my trip. Those pics have been included in the above video; however, the slideshow includes classmates’ dialogues that the video doesn’t have and may display them better.

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

2019年第 4 件事:Have fun!




2019 第 3 件事:注意事项

第一:同学网的首页做了更改。 原来的首页是 “注册事项”, 现在的首页是最新发表的 “网页”。 今后,所有的网站管理方面的微信页,都存放在 “常见问题” 菜单里,请大家点击网站的网址随时去看

第二:同学网组委会会员报名的情况,到目前为止有两个人。等有五位同学参与的时候,形成投票格局后,组委会就可以开始进入日程,其名单也会公布于大群。 有时间和有兴趣的同学,在2019年之内,什么时候准备好了,都可以在 “常见问题”  菜单   >>>  “组委会会员邀请” 一页去报名, 随时欢迎您🤗


第四:小组网页题材的收集动向。2018年,小组网页题材的收集,一般都是在七七级大群 和 同窗缘区域群。 这两个大的和中型同学微信群,是我们同学网站的清泉,沃土,矿源。咱们2018年同学网的质量,数量,多样化,历史性,温馨感,睿智度,都是大家在这两个群中的贡献,真诚,和同窗情。希望这种精神光大,长久!

还有  “朋友圈”   里面的话题,个人摄影和简短对话,逐渐增加。但我没有搜集。原因是觉的它是个人的自留地,是个人收藏隐私之地,只应限闺蜜发小观看,是神圣的,不可侵犯的。

现在有必要想想,我们怎么杨长避短, 让同学网更全面地反映各地同学们的活动, 当然是在同学们自愿的前提下😊


2)如果您想把个人 “朋友圈” 的部分材料转发大群分享,有点麻烦。它的软件设计,与群聊群不互动,读者/外人不能下载,只好请您自己把材料做成 “美篇”,然后再把美篇转发或链接到大群。那样,我才可以再收集。

3)如果您既想自我掌控和拥有绝对隐私权,却又想和大群分享一部分,而且长期保存,享有无广告,没闲人窥视,不用担心储存极限的网上环境,最好的办法,是在同学网园注册。注册了,你就可以把材料, 包括文字,幻灯,图片,视频等,直接上传。上传后,是什么时候藏着, 什么时候公布,全由你自己说了算。

祝好!欢迎你对2019注意事项提想法🙅 姜