2023-08-01 —————
文心雕龙 05:17
Continue reading “Borders”
Category: 旅游拾感 Journeys
The 4 Corners Region
2022-10-10 ————— in English
姜 10:32 1st stop
An interesting fashion show by Native American designers at Santa Fe 😀姜
10-12 —————
21:23 2nd stop
Nine hot springs at Ojo Caliente an hour North from Santa Fe. Nice to soak in mineral rich waters and clean up, plus the Indian key-hole door image, rock formations as the walls of the 9 pools.
10-13 —————
3rd stop
Mesa Verde, CO: There is quite a climb to get to the Pueblos cliff dwellings. This one called Cliff Palace is quite large; it had about 200 people a big village living up there for about 700 some years. The view down there was and is fabulous. However, the Pueblos obviously had to carry woods and resources on their back climbing those stairs to survive…
姜 20:41 4th stop
The forces of nature at the Arches NP, Moab UT.
2022-10-18 —————
姜 20:41 the 5th stop
Canyonlands NP & Capitol Reefs NP: The artists, who are the rains and winds, have sculptured the mountains in these two NPs in a totally different style from what they do about the arches and fins in the Arches NP. The pioneers exploring the Capitol Reefs signed their names as early as 1911 if you enlarge the picture and look for their writing on the stone.
2022-10-19 —————
姜 16:46 the 6th stop
The Capitol Reefs NP Utah: Sandstones and limestones dominate. They’re best in their sizes: huge, tall, and wide. The camera does not do its Justice. The NPs hold and preserve 5 land areas where the stones reveal the experiences of our Earth. We can consider the five places as siblings since they are related by blood. Capitol Reefs is the number 2 son of the 5 siblings. If the oldest, the Grand Canyon, is 80 year old, the stones in the Capitol Reefs is 75 which is about 100 million years.
From late May to early October the locals at Capitol Reefs traditionally grow a variety of fruits. Visitors can pick the fruits in the orchard if they are ripe.
2022-10-20 —————
姜 10:38 the 7th stop
Bryce Canyon NP, Utah: Bryce has the youngest stones; in other words it’s the 5th son of the siblings at age of 60. If you enlarge the picture you can see the details of erosions done to make all the hoodoos out of the stones in the area.
2022-10-22 —————
姜 13:51 the 8th stop
The Zion NP, Utah: It is the 3rd son at 70 years old of the 5 rock siblings. Natural and man-made tunnels are passes into the park from the east gate. I have to say it is the wettest of all the NPs. The Virgin River runs through the entire park: clear, quiet and cold. We went to the head of the waterfall before the Narrows but we were not prepared to wade through the chilling water to the foot of the falls. The park is home for many animals like this Mule Deer. The cliffs are so steep and high that the mountain climbers challenge themselves to climb them; we saw quite a few little human dots hanging on them.
2022-10-23 —————
姜 10:04 the 9th stop
A little more about Zion NP: The Virgin River is a tributary to the Colorado river. Water seeks through the rocks everywhere, forms water holes and flows into Virgin River and then into the Colorado River in the middle image. Not far outside the Grand Canyon lies the Vermillion where dinosaurs roamed but no where to be found in the Grand Canyon. Tourists stop and write down their names or poetry inspired by its look and story.
2022-10-24 —————
姜 10:02 the 10th stop
The Grand Canyon NP, North Rim, AZ: In the previous NPs, we had to raise our heads high and stretch our necks long to get a glimpse of the summits of the mountains. In the Grand Canyon NP, we looked down; the canyons run deep about a mile into the Earth. The narrow ridge is only 3′ wide — John was holding onto his dear life looking down both sides of deep cliffs…
姜 13:12 the 11th stop
Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ: Today we turned away from mountains, canyons and rivers to the sky. By all these machines in the images, we were able to see with our own eyes the Jupiter, the Saturn and other galaxys. Lucky the sky is perfect for looking at them: not a cloud, extremely dark, and warm enough to stand in the line waiting for our turns at each telescope. The most popular is the Saturn of course.
BTW: The 1st image shows an experiment that was done at a lecture on the site. Visitors are invited to touch the liquid nitrogen (minus 320 degrees F.) — the stuff that a dermatologist uses to burn your skin growth…
姜 22:03 the 12th stop
The Petrified National Forest, AZ: Best to view this picture horizontally and enlarge it. The petrified tree logs everywhere in this area used to be living here 225 million years ago. The Earth’s crust lifted Colorado plateau, plus other natural elements like rocks and dirt, eroded the top layers and have exposed them on the surface. The park is located out of nowhere, it’s far away from highway but it’s totally worth the effort.
姜 10:00 the 13th stop
Painted Desert at the entrance of the Petrified National Forest, RZ: This is the 3rd section of land that the National Forest has acquired. Wonderful to include this spot where rocks display different colors.
姜 11:03 the 14th stop
Albuquerque, NM: It’s the city that pleasantly surprised us. Its hotels, parking, market, and entertainment provide a good comfort level for visitors. However, the city also built 17 miles trails along the river that only local residents have easy access to. The city government a long time ago decided to put aside 1% of the the tax dollars for arts in the city: so we can see a lot of them: murals and sculptures in the streets around the town. The private homes look very different– stucco, low, well- kept but you can also see high end houses built by architects living here.
2022-10-26 —————
姜 10:25 the 15th stop: returning home
The end
2020-11-15 —————
文心雕龙 01:43 可惜,文章链接失链了。
惠康 03:06@文心雕龙 ,上官这篇文章写得太好了,它反映的是当今寺院庙宇的现状,揭露的却是其深层的问题,让人质疑寺院庙宇的目的,是普渡众生,是慈悲为怀,还是敛财上市?这是一个非常棘手的问题,某些人以宗教自由为借口,疯狂敛财,政府又难于插手管理,怎么发展,值得期待! Continue reading “闲言碎语话常理”
2020-09-03 —————
Michael 22:37 图片稿件9张:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
玉屏风 22:48 @Michael 你又去哪里玩了?看样子咱们同学也该出去游玩一下了。
Michael 22:53 西藏
Michael 23:00 有兴趣的可以组织一下,我可以当大伙儿的西藏旅行向导。
玉屏风 23:16 西藏要早点去,晚了就怕有人身体不允许。西藏我前几年也去过去了。祝你玩的开心!
Michael 23:17 谢谢。
2020-09-04 —————
史萍 00:24 多谢素英,明生同学的美景分亨,祝二位玩的开心,平安快乐,[ThumbsUp][ThumbsUp][Shake][Rose][Rose]
Michael 01:04 谢谢。有机会我们一起走西藏
Hsy 01:07 @Michael 请问有高血压,身体能适应吗?
一波清水 04:28 景美人更美。值得一游。
Michael 04:30@Hsy 高血压不严重的都可以。
赵 04:31
Michael 04:45 不要被网上说的吓着了。我们一路自驾,边走边玩,第三天亚丁海拔3000米时有几个人感觉头晕晕沉沉的,过了两天就都好了。今天去羊卓雍措5000米海拔,我们都好好的,没有人感觉已经到了这么高海拔。
大唐英姿 06:08@Michael 好美,祝你们玩的愉快!
Michael 06:09 谢谢
甜老虎 06:13 自驾游西藏,厉害!祝你们一路玩的开心!
Michael 06:17 七十岁前还能折腾,过两年,按规定,没有人陪连坐飞机都别想,还想折腾,没机会了。
宁 06:18@Michael :谢谢发来的美照,还没有去西藏,就已经欣赏到了最蓝的天,最清澈的水,多姿多彩的高原鲜花,祝一路平安,开心顺意![Joyful]
Michael 06:22 谢谢。
宁 06:26 因我高原反应厉害,到九寨都不适,因此不敢实施西藏之行。
Michael 06:53 @宁 你可以慢慢适应。 一般糖尿病患者最不适合去西藏。因为有高反的人都喝可口可乐或葡萄糖来减缓高反症状。
宁 06:55 好的,谢谢你!
Hsy 07:29 谢谢@Michael 的提醒和告诫。
2019-11-26 —————
惠康 20:46@Michael ,在国外,开房车旅游已经很流行,在国内还不普及,
Michael 20:54 那就走吧?不缺资金不缺时间不缺驾车技术,也不存在语言障碍,
惠康 21:28 目前还没有准备好,主要是勇气还没有具备!
2019-12-08 —————
贺建英 11:21
xaq 16:09@贺 说的很现实!我们都是老漂族。退休后也是身不由己啊!
贺建英 18:14@xaq 我们都一样,是老漂一簇啊!我们都要各自找乐,
xaq 18:23@贺建英 谢谢!在照顾好孩子们的同时也要照顾好自己。忙里偷闲,
贺建英 18:24 [Sticker]
文心雕龙 19:24@贺建英 @xaq 老漂族说到了我们的心坎里,是我们生活的真实写照。
贺建英 19:29 [Sticker]
贺建英 19:31
xaq 21:07@文心雕龙 尽管如此,我们还要照顾好自己。一定要给自己留点空间,
文心雕龙 22:08 老漂族共勉之。
西葡一游 A trip to Spain and Portugal
2019-11-11 —————
宁 22:28 西葡旅游归来,趁兴致还浓,写上几笔,留住记忆,见笑了!
宁 22:33 再发几张照片吧!
张定新 22:38 宁姐,大才女啊,写的太好了!清新自然一气呵成。
澎芃 22:40@宁 🏻🤠
宁 22:44@澎芃 @张定新 :谢谢盛赞,旅游回来,想留点美好的东西,把印象最深的写了。[
X-ray 23:05@宁 [ThumbsUp][ThumbsUp]
宁 23:18@世芳,谢谢您!
张怀泽 23:19宁姐 下午好!好诗美景令人赏心悦目,谢谢你给我们带来美的享受。[
宁 23:23怀泽,谢谢你对美景的赏识!
2019-11-12 —————
Jean 02:43 宁姐,大才女,写这么好的诗让人敬佩。景非常美。
玉屏风 02:44[Sticker]
宁 03:06 谢谢二位妹妹,我不会编美篇,也只好这样了[Chuckle]
大唐英姿 03:10@宁 謝谢分享美景和你的才情!
宁 03:13大英,我更敬佩你的才情[Rose]
大唐英姿 03:35[Sticker]
甜老虎 03:45@宁 [ThumbsUp][ThumbsUp][ThumbsUp]
宁 03:47[Sticker]
惠康 06:31@宁 ,美景配美诗,绝 配,谢谢你,让我们如此享受!
宁 06:34谢谢惠康欣赏西葡美景,美丽会牵动人心的[Smile]
爱米 07:25@宁 谢谢宁姐与我们分享您的佳作,拍的美景让人陶醉,
宁 07:48 谢谢妹妹,分享带来快乐![Rose]
2019 秋游 : 西安-汉中-阆中-城固-西安
手机版本, 文字不清晰。
YouTube 链接版本,图像等要清晰很多,但多数国内同学打不开。
这次出游,时间长,路程远,事故有,兴致高,照片美,视频多,诗词精,交流繁,所以网页稿件要分四个分章。请点击下面链接浏览每一章 —– 视频加聊天:
注:做网页首页时,我选图片的标准是: 1) 照片里的同学人数多;2)背景地点有代表性;3)相同的照片,同学多的上选;4)选各个游点代表性强的。其余的照片都放在了分页视频里。有些阆中照片很有可能错放在汉中分页,请原谅!如果你能具体的指出错的地方,或者提供新的照片,文字和音乐,我修改时就会用的。
徐世芳摄影 · 杨孝明诗词 · 王晓中画中人 阆中篇
随想曲 22:20 阆中篇
大唐英姿 22:32 阆中篇
随想曲 01:58 返回西安篇
Amsterdam to Budapest
Below is a slideshow of my posts on WeChat’s Moments during my trip. Those pics have been included in the above video; however, the slideshow includes classmates’ dialogues that the video doesn’t have and may display them better.
2019-04-15 —————
Huang Shaorong 21:49 转发 全人类痛哭!800年巴黎圣母院猛烈着
大唐英姿 23:00 太可惜了,上次去法国,正值巴黎圣母院关门,只是在外围观看了一下,沒有机会进去,这可留下终身遗憾了
甜老虎 23:02 人类文明的一部分永远消失了,太可惜了!
2019-04-16 —————
秀彩虹 00:15
秀彩虹 00:48 这一刻,全巴黎人的心都在燃烧
Jean 01:31哎!这是全人类的损失!我国的圆明园呢?这叫天道轮回!苍天饶过谁!
秀彩虹 01:49
Jean 08:29 转发 巴黎圣母院全景
Jean 09:42 转发 几十年生活在巴黎的中学老同学刚刚发给大家的,我觉得值得转出来,他说:
昨晚悲剧发生的一刻,大家都不懂巴黎消防队为什么不立刻全力灭火,米国那大老粗川总更催促马克龙马上下令派飞机扔水弹灭火(6吨大水下去也许是灭了,但教堂肯定也倒塌了!)。法国人选择了先不喷水救火,而是先抢救圣母院内的无数无价之宝。这样的高度的建筑,等你把灭了,水的破坏性一定比火还厉害!顶反正保不住的(12世纪的木头支架[流泪][抓狂]),任它烧。这机智冷静的决定,保住了圣堂内绝大多数的宝贝,只有一个古老管风琴和几幅大油画估计损坏了(被水,能修复),南面著名的大玫瑰花窗有所损害,(高温把链接花玻璃的铅融化了)严重性还不确定,北窗无损。非常运气的是顶上的所有铜雕丝毫无损,因为前几天刚为施工而拆下!宝贝抢出来,一时搬不出来的做好防水保护后,消防队才开始升云梯喷水灭火。外面主要喷水防止各有13吨重大钟的双塔着火,因为钟掉下来的话圣母院正面肯定倒塌。灭火的主力在教堂内,尽量降温,防止整个屋顶陷塌,导致整个教堂结构的倒塌。尖塔倒了后,为了减少人员伤亡,派出机器人代替消防员入内降温灭火。这么一场大火,最终只有1人轻伤,主要圣物宝贝全部救出!这也可说是个奇迹。 感谢巴黎消防队员的勇敢、机智、不慌不乱,尽可能地保住了全人类的部分精华。MERCI!
姜 18:27
何秀琴 22:33
2019-04-17-19 —————
枫叶 转发 巴黎圣母院,你在我们记忆中的样子
Happy 转发 对不起,我无法同情。。
文心雕龙 转发 3D 圆明园
019-04-18 —————
胡晓莉 22:3 转发: 关心下自己,中国还有N个巴黎圣母院正在被毁
2019-04-19 —————
姜 07:14 燃烧一个巴黎圣母院,唤起大众对文物的珍惜,值了!