Texas in June Our community group of 50 some residents toured the Texas State, parts of which there are no bus nor train transportation. 人烟稀少的徳州部分地区。 https://xisu77.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/amarillo-1000kbps.mp4
Hi, Sunny, You live in Texas in USA, while I stay in 德州 city in China. What is a special coincidence! However, though same in Chinese name, yet quite different in meaning. Reply
@姜 , Texas looks unique and impressive.
是的,风光独特! “原上”和陕西关中原相似,但颜色和外观又原始的多;不像颠峰的道家庙宇,基督徒的圣堂点缀在田间;不是少数民族族的集体舞,而是摇滚乐的记忆。
Hi, Sunny, You live in Texas in USA, while I stay in 德州 city in China. What is a special coincidence! However, though same in Chinese name, yet quite different in meaning.
@helen chen 你讲的是中国的那个德州市?我常看到这个地名,总是不清不楚🤔